She passed away four years ago and I still talk to her everyday! Her picture hangs adjacent to the mirror in my beauty spot where I put myself together every morning. This is where we visit the most. I talk to her about my disappearing eyebrows and still study her eyeshadow and marvel that she always wore mascara. She had beautiful eyes and great white hair. I look more like her everyday—what a gift!
I wonder if she still likes to hear me sing…I sing harmony to cd’s when I’m fluffing for work (another good reason to have a separate place to get ready). Most of the time my music is hymns we sang in church. When I was grown and gone, we’d go to church when I came home to visit. I’d stand by my mom and dad and she’d hold my hand when we sang…
I was blessed with dear and loving parents, but as the oldest daughter–I wanted to be my mom–to be Shirley. She was beautiful, funny, sweet and always so brave! She tried new things, she always had interesting and fun part-time jobs. She took care of three kids and my dad–who we almost lost when we were all little.
I miss her everyday, but she is always present—in my heart, in my mirror, in Maggie’s face and humor–in so many little things.
Happy birthday, Shirley—you will always be a star.